Here is Dawn’s portfolio of websites that she developed or maintained. Screenshots are provided with the timestamp from when she developed them.

Dawn maintained the website for Chamma Ling Bon Buddhist Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado
Sakura Designs, LLC Dawn’s current website and business.
Dawn created an online webshop for the Pundarika Foundation 2012. A future aspiration to offer a complete secure anthology of downloadable Buddhist Practice Texts.
Dawn’s previous company, website designed and maintained by Dawn, business sold in 2006., a sister website to Chopa., a college Dreamweaver class project that turned into a vibrant nonprofit concept that has many users daily.
Dawn was the volunteer webmaster for the Boulder Shambhala Center from 2006-2008.
Dawn was the first Advertising Manager for the Shambhala Times and developed custom ads in Photoshop.
Dawn also currently maintains a website for the Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche’s family-, and previously Chamma Ling Retreat Center in Crestone, the social media pages for the Ratna Foundation and
A Publicity Flier for a Meditation Retreat